- Swift Tutorial
- Swift - Home
- Swift - Overview
- Swift - Environment
- Swift - Basic Syntax
- Swift - Variables
- Swift - Constants
- Swift - Literals
- Swift - Comments
- Swift Operators
- Swift - Operators
- Swift - Arithmetic Operators
- Swift - Comparison Operators
- Swift - Logical Operators
- Swift - Assignment Operators
- Swift - Bitwise Operators
- Swift - Misc Operators
- Swift Advanced Operators
- Swift - Operator Overloading
- Swift - Arithmetic Overflow Operators
- Swift - Identity Operators
- Swift - Range Operators
- Swift Data Types
- Swift - Data Types
- Swift - Integers
- Swift - Floating-Point Numbers
- Swift - Double
- Swift - Boolean
- Swift - Strings
- Swift - Characters
- Swift - Type Aliases
- Swift - Optionals
- Swift - Tuples
- Swift - Assertions and Precondition
- Swift Control Flow
- Swift - Decision Making
- Swift - if statement
- Swift - if...else if...else Statement
- Swift - if-else Statement
- Swift - nested if statements
- Swift - switch statement
- Swift - Loops
- Swift - for in loop
- Swift - While loop
- Swift - repeat...while loop
- Swift - continue statement
- Swift - break statement
- Swift - fall through statement
- Swift Collections
- Swift - Arrays
- Swift - Sets
- Swift - Dictionaries
- Swift Functions
- Swift - Functions
- Swift - Nested Functions
- Swift - Function Overloading
- Swift - Recursion
- Swift - Higher-Order Functions
- Swift Closures
- Swift - Closures
- Swift-Escaping and Non-escaping closure
- Swift - Auto Closures
- Swift OOps
- Swift - Enumerations
- Swift - Structures
- Swift - Classes
- Swift - Properties
- Swift - Methods
- Swift - Subscripts
- Swift - Inheritance
- Swift-Overriding
- Swift - Initialization
- Swift - Deinitialization
- Swift Advanced
- Swift - ARC Overview
- Swift - Optional Chaining
- Swift - Error handling
- Swift - Concurrency
- Swift - Type Casting
- Swift - Nested Types
- Swift - Extensions
- Swift - Protocols
- Swift - Generics
- Swift - Access Control
- Swift - Function vs Method
- Swift - SwiftyJSON
- Swift - Singleton class
- Swift Random Numbers
- Swift Opaque and Boxed Type
- Swift Useful Resources
- Swift - Compile Online
- Swift - Quick Guide
- Swift - Useful Resources
- Swift - Discussion
Swift - Structures
The structure is the most commonly used user-defined data type. It allows us to group the related data and operations into a single block. It is useful for encapsulating the data and the functionality into a single unit and provides more organized and readable code. In a structure, we can add functionality with the help of methods and properties.
In Swift, a structure does not require any extra file or interface for implementation, we can define a structure into a single file and the external interface accesses this code automatically. Structure is a value type.
Structure in Swift
Just like other programming languages in Swift, a structure is defined using a struct keyword along with a name and curly braces({}). Here the name must start with a capital letter such as School, not school. The curly braces contain all the properties and methods.
Properties − The constants and variables associated with the structure are known as the properties of the structure. They are commonly used to store and retrieve values in the instance of the structure. A structure can have multiple properties.
Methods − Functions associated with the structure are known as the methods of the structure. They are commonly used to define behaviour associated with the structure. Methods can have parameters and return values. A structure can have multiple methods. In Swift, using methods we are not allowed to change the properties. But if we want to change the properties inside the method, then we have to mark that method using a mutating keyword.
Following is the syntax of the structure −
struct nameStruct { // Properties Property 1 : Type Property 2 : Type // Methods func functionName(){ // Statement } // Mutating method mutating func functionName(){ // Statement } }
In the following Swift example, we need to access the student's record containing marks for three subjects and find out the total of three subjects. So, we create a structure named markStruct with three marks as datatype 'Int'.
struct MarkStruct{ var mark1: Int var mark2: Int var mark3: Int }
Swift Structure Instance
A structure instance is an object that is created from the structure’s definition and represents some set of values for the properties. A single structure can have multiple instances and they are independent of each other, which means if we modify one instance that doesn't affect other instances.
We can create an instance of the structure by calling the structure initializer. A structure may or may not contain an initializer. So if a structure does not contain any initializer, then Swift will automatically receive a memberwise initializer to create a structure object. Using this initializer we can initialize each property by passing the initial value along with the name in the memberwise initializer.
Following is the syntax of the structure instance −
var objectName = StructName(propertyName1: value, propertyName2: value)
In the following Swift example, we will create an instance of MarkStruct.
struct MarkStruct{ var mark1: Int var mark2: Int var mark3: Int } // Creating instance using memberwise initializer var myObj = MarkStruct(mark1: 10, mark2: 20, mark3: 30)
We can also create a structure’s instance without providing parameters or initial values if the structure contains a default initializer.
struct MarkStruct{ var mark1: Int var mark2: Int var mark3: Int // Default initialzer init(){ Mark1 = 1 Marks2 = 2 Mark3 = 3 } } // Creating instance using default initializer var myInstance = MarkStruct()
Accessing the Properties of the Structure in Swift
To access the properties of the structure we can use a structure instance followed by a dot(.) and a property name. Using this notation we can also modify the values of the properties. With the help of this notation, we can also access and modify the sub-properties of the structure.
Following is the syntax for accessing the properties of the structure −
Following is the syntax for modifying the properties of the structure −
structInstanceName.PropertyName = value
Following is the syntax for accessing the sub-properties of the structure −
Following is the syntax for modifying the sub-properties of the structure −
structInstanceName.PropertyName.subPropertyName = value
Swift program to access and modify the properties of the structure.
// Defining a structure struct Employee { var name: String var age: Int var department: String var salary: Int } // Creating an instance of the Employee structure // with initial values of the properties var emp = Employee(name: "Mona", age: 22, department: "HR", salary: 32000) // Accessing the values of the properties using dot notation print("Employee Details:") print("Name: \(emp.name)") print("Age: \(emp.age)") print("Department: \(emp.department)") print("Salary: \(emp.salary)") // Modifying the values of the properties using dot notation emp.age = 23 emp.salary = 33000 // Displaying the updated values print("\nUpdated Values:") print("Age: \(emp.age)") print("Salary: \(emp.salary)")
It will produce the following output −
Employee Details: Name: Mona Age: 22 Department: HR Salary: 32000 Updated Values: Age: 23 Salary: 33000
Swift program to access and modify the sub-properties of the structure.
// Defining a structure with sub-properties struct Address { var buildingName: String var city: String var pincode: String } // Defining a structure struct Student { var name: String var age: Int var address: Address } // Creating an instance of the Student structure // with initial values of the properties var stud = Student(name: "Sumit", age: 22, address: Address(buildingName: "Anad Vihar", city: "Delhi", pincode: "333333")) // Accessing the values of the properties and sub-properties using dot notation print("Student Details:") print("Name: \(stud.name)") print("Age: \(stud.age)") print("Building Name: \(stud.address.buildingName)") print("City: \(stud.address.city)") print("Pincode: \(stud.address.pincode)") // Modifying the values of the sub-properties using dot notation stud.address.buildingName = "Mohita Vihar" stud.address.pincode = "333000" // Displaying the updated values print("\nUpdated Values:") print("Building Name: \(stud.address.buildingName)") print("Pincode: \(stud.address.pincode)")
It will produce the following output −
Student Details: Name: Sumit Age: 22 Building Name: Anad Vihar City: Delhi Pincode: 333333 Updated Values: Building Name: Mohita Vihar Pincode: 333000
Accessing the Methods of the Structure in Swift
With the help of dot notation, we can also access the methods of the structure. Here also, we can use a structure instance followed by a dot(.) and a method name to access methods.
Following is the syntax for accessing the method of the structure −
Swift program to access the methods of the structure.
// Defining a structure struct Parallelogram { var base: Double var height: Double // Method to calculate the area of the Parallelogram func calculateParallelogramArea() -> Double { return base * height } // Mutating method to resize the base and height of the Parallelogram mutating func resizeParallelogram(by value: Double) { base += value height += value } } // Create an instance of the Parallelogram structure var myObj = Parallelogram(base: 10.0, height: 9.0) // Calling the calculateParallelogramArea() method let area = myObj.calculateParallelogramArea() print("Area of the Parallelogram: \(area)") // Calling the mutating method i.e., resizeParallelogram() myObj.resizeParallelogram(by: 3) // Displaying the updated base and height of the Parallelogram print("\nUpdated values: ") print("Base: \(myObj.base)") print("Height: \(myObj.height)")
It will produce the following output −
Area of the Parallelogram: 90.0 Updated values: Base: 13.0 Height: 12.0
Structure as a Value Type in Swift
In Swift, structures are value type, which means that when we assign a structure to a variable or constant or can pass it to a function as a parameter, a copy of the structure is created. These copies are independent of the original instance, which means if we modify one copy of an instance that does not affect other copies of the structure’s instances.
Swift program to demonstrate structure as a value type.
// Defining a structure struct Student { var name: String var age: Int } // Creating an instance of the Student structure var stud = Student(name: "Sumit", age: 22) // Creating a copy of the stud instance var details = stud // Modifying the values of the properties details.name = "Mohina" details.age = 34 print("student 1: name-\(stud.name) and age-\(stud.age)") print("student 2: name-\(details.name) and age-\(details.age)")
It will produce the following output −
student 1: name-Sumit and age-22 student 2: name-Mohina and age-34
Structure with a self keyword in Swift
In a structure, the self keyword is used to distinguish between the property name and the method’s parameters. The self keyword is generally used with a property inside the methods or initializer so that the compiler can easily differentiate which one is a parameter and a property if their names are the same. Or the self keyword is used to refer to the current instance of the structure.
Following is the syntax of self keyword −
Swift program to demonstrate how to use self keyword in structure.
// Defining a structure struct markStruct{ var mark1: Int var mark2: Int var mark3: Int // Initializer with same property and parameter name init(mark1: Int, mark2: Int, mark3: Int){ // Using self keyword to distinguish between // the property and parameter name // Here self.mark1 is the property name self.mark1 = mark1 self.mark2 = mark2 self.mark3 = mark3 } } // Creating an instance of the structure var marks = markStruct(mark1: 98, mark2: 96, mark3:100) // Displaying the values of the properties print(marks.mark1) print(marks.mark2) print(marks.mark3)
It will produce the following output −
98 96 100
Passing a Structure to a Function in Swift
In Swift, we are allowed to pass a structure into a function as a parameter by specifying a structure as a type of parameter. A structure is always passed in a structure by value, which means a copy of the structure will pass as a parameter and the modification does not affect the original structure. In a function, if we do not want to modify the structure, then we can pass it as a regular parameter, whereas if we want to modify the structure, then we have to pass it as an inout parameter.
Swift program to demonstrate how to pass a structure to a function.
// Defining a structure struct Rectangle { var length: Double var width: Double } // Passing a structure to a function as a regular parameter func areaOfRectangle(value:Rectangle){ print("Area of the Rectangle is \(value.length * value.width)") } // Passing a structure to a function as an inout parameter // Because we will modify the structure func newAreaOfRectangle(data:inout Rectangle, byL newLength : Double, byW newWidth : Double){ data.length *= newLength data.width *= newWidth print("New Area of the Rectangle is \(data.length * data.width)") } // Create an instance of the rectangle structure var myObj = Rectangle(length: 10.0, width: 9.0) // Calling the function areaOfRectangle(value:myObj) // Calling the another function newAreaOfRectangle(data: &myObj, byL : 2, byW : 3)
It will produce the following output −
Area of the Rectangle is 90.0 New Area of the Rectangle is 540.0