Swift - Continue Statement

The continue statement is designed to be used inside the loop to skip the code inside the loop block and process the next iteration. With the help of the continue statement, we can bypass the remaining code present inside the loop for a certain iteration according to the given condition.

For a for loop, the continue statement causes the conditional test and increments the portions of the loop to execute. For while and do...while loops, the continue statement causes the program control to pass to the conditional tests.


Following is the syntax of the continue statement −


Flow Diagram

The following flow diagram will show how the continue statement works −

Continue Statement


Swift program to demonstrate the use of continue statement.

import Foundation

let nums = [30, 2, 14, 7, 19, 11, 13, 10]

// Loop to print even numbers
for n in nums {
   if n % 2 != 0 {
      // Skip the code for odd numbers

   // It will execute only for even numbers
   print("Even Number: \(n)")


It will produce the following output −

Even Number: 30
Even Number: 2
Even Number: 14
Even Number: 10


Swift program to skip -4 from the given array using continue statement.

import Foundation

let arr = [11, 12, 23, -4, 88, 92, 34, 2]

for x in arr {
   if x == -4 {
      // When x = -4, skip the rest of the loop  
   print("Value: \(x)")


It will produce the following output −

Value: 11
Value: 12
Value: 23
Value: 88
Value: 92
Value: 34
Value: 2


Swift program to skip city names whose length is more than 5 characters using continue statement.

import Foundation

let city = ["Delhi", "Mumbai", "Jaipur", "Pune", "Goa"]

for x in city {
   if x.count > 5 {
      // Skip those cities whose word count is more than 5 characters 
   print("City names: \(x)")


City names: Delhi
City names: Pune
City names: Goa