Swift - Boolean

Just like other programming languages Swift also supports a boolean data type known as a bool. Boolean values are logical because they can either be yes or no. Boolean data types have only two possible values: true and false. They are generally used to express binary decisions and play a major role in control flow and decision-making.


Following is the syntax of the boolean variable −

let value1 : Bool = true
let value2 : Bool = false

Following is the shorthand syntax of the boolean type −

let value1 = true
let value2 = false


Swift program to use boolean with logical statement.

import Foundation

// Defining boolean data type
let color : Bool = true

// If the color is true, then if block will execute
if color{
   print("My car color is red")

// Otherwise, else block will execute
   print("My car color is not red")


My car color is red

Combine Boolean with Logical Operators in Swift

In Swift, we are allowed to combine boolean with logical operators like logical AND "&&", logical OR "||" and logical NOT "!" to create more complex expressions. Using these operators, we can able to perform various conditional operations on boolean values.


Swift program to combine boolean with logical operator.

import Foundation

// Defining boolean data type
let isUsername = true
let isPassword = true
let hasAdminAccess = false
let isUserAccount = true

// Combining boolean data type with logical AND and OR operators
let finalAccess = isUsername && isPassword && (hasAdminAccess || isUserAccount)

/* If the whole expression returns true then only the
user gets access to the admin panel. */
if finalAccess {
   print("Welcome to the admin panel")
} else {
   print("You are not allowed to access admin panel")


Welcome to the admin panel