Industrialization and Feminist Movements -Impact on Family
Kinship - Consanguinity and Affinity
Principles and Types of Descent - unilineal, double, bilateral, ambilineal
Forms of Descent groups - lineage, clan, phratry, moiety, kindred)
Kinship terminology
Filiation and Complimentary Filiation
Economic Organization: Meaning, scope, and relevance of economic anthropology
Formalist and Substantivist debate
Principles governing the production, distribution, and exchange (reciprocity, redistribution, and market)
Indigenous economic systems.(hunting and gathering, fishing, swiddening, pastoralism, horticulture, and agriculture)
Political Organization: Band, tribe, chiefdom, kingdom, and state
Concepts of power, authority, and legitimacy
Social control, law, and justice in simple Societies.
Religion in tribal and Peasant Societies (animism, animatism, fetishism, naturism, and totemism)
Religious Anthropology - evolutionary, psychological and functional
Monotheism and polytheism
Magic and science distinguished
Classical evolutionism
Culture, Language, and Communication (nature, origin, and characteristics)
Research methods in Anthropology - Analysis, interpretation and presentation of data
Research methods in Anthropology - technique, method, and methodology
Research methods in Anthropology - observation, interview, schedules, questionnaire, case study, genealogy, life history, oral history, secondary sources of information, participatory methods
Research methods in Anthropology - Fieldwork tradition in anthropology
Human Genetics (II) - Methods and Application
Methods for the study of genetic principles (pedigree analysis, twin study, foster child, co-twin method, cytogenetic method, chromosomal and karyotype analysis)
Human Genetics (II) - biochemical methods, immunological methods, D.N.A. technology, and recombinant technologies
Genetic polymorphism and selection
Mendelian population
Hardy-Weinberg law; causes and changes
Isolation, migration, selection, inbreeding, and genetic drift
Chromosomes methodology ( numerical and structural aberrations)
Autosomal aberrations- Down syndrome, Patau, Edward and Cri-du-chat
Human DNA profiling, gene mapping, and genome study
Genetic imprints in human disease
Genetic screening and Genetic counseling
Biological basis of racial classification
Racial traits in relation to heredity and environment
Physiological characteristics-Hb level, body fat, pulse rate, respiratory functions and sensory perceptions in different cultural and socio-economic groups