- Rust Tutorial
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- Rust - HelloWorld Example
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- Rust - Variables
- Rust - Constant
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- Rust - Loop
- Rust - Functions
- Rust - Tuple
- Rust - Array
- Rust - Ownership
- Rust - Borrowing
- Rust - Slices
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- Rust - Smart Pointers
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Rust - Tuple
Tuple is a compound data type. A scalar type can store only one type of data. For example, an i32 variable can store only a single integer value. In compound types, we can store more than one value at a time and it can be of different types.
Tuples have a fixed length - once declared they cannot grow or shrink in size. The tuple index starts from 0.
//Syntax1 let tuple_name:(data_type1,data_type2,data_type3) = (value1,value2,value3); //Syntax2 let tuple_name = (value1,value2,value3);
The following example displays the values in a tuple.
fn main() { let tuple:(i32,f64,u8) = (-325,4.9,22); println!("{:?}",tuple); }
The println!("{ }",tuple) syntax cannot be used to display values in a tuple. This is because a tuple is a compound type. Use the println!("{:?}", tuple_name) syntax to print values in a tuple.
(-325, 4.9, 22)
The following example prints individual values in a tuple.
fn main() { let tuple:(i32,f64,u8) = (-325,4.9,22); println!("integer is :{:?}",tuple.0); println!("float is :{:?}",tuple.1); println!("unsigned integer is :{:?}",tuple.2); }
integer is :-325 float is :4.9 unsigned integer is :2
The following example passes a tuple as parameter to a function. Tuples are passed by value to functions.
fn main(){ let b:(i32,bool,f64) = (110,true,10.9); print(b); } //pass the tuple as a parameter fn print(x:(i32,bool,f64)){ println!("Inside print method"); println!("{:?}",x); }
Inside print method (110, true, 10.9)
Destructing assignment is a feature of rust wherein we unpack the values of a tuple. This is achieved by assigning a tuple to distinct variables.
Consider the following example −
fn main(){ let b:(i32,bool,f64) = (30,true,7.9); print(b); } fn print(x:(i32,bool,f64)){ println!("Inside print method"); let (age,is_male,cgpa) = x; //assigns a tuple to distinct variables println!("Age is {} , isMale? {},cgpa is {}",age,is_male,cgpa); }
Variable x is a tuple which is assigned to the let statement. Each variable - age, is_male and cgpa will contain the corresponding values in a tuple.
Inside print method Age is 30 , isMale? true,cgpa is 7.9