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- Python - Variables
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- Python - Type Casting
- Python - Unicode System
- Python - Literals
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- Python - Arithmetic Operators
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- Python - for Loops
- Python - for-else Loops
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- Python - break Statement
- Python - continue Statement
- Python - pass Statement
- Python - Nested Loops
- Python Functions & Modules
- Python - Functions
- Python - Default Arguments
- Python - Keyword Arguments
- Python - Keyword-Only Arguments
- Python - Positional Arguments
- Python - Positional-Only Arguments
- Python - Arbitrary Arguments
- Python - Variables Scope
- Python - Function Annotations
- Python - Modules
- Python - Built in Functions
- Python Strings
- Python - Strings
- Python - Slicing Strings
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- Python - String Concatenation
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- Python Lists
- Python - Lists
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- Python Tuples
- Python - Tuples
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- Python Sets
- Python - Sets
- Python - Access Set Items
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- Python Dictionaries
- Python - Dictionaries
- Python - Access Dictionary Items
- Python - Change Dictionary Items
- Python - Add Dictionary Items
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- Python - Dictionary View Objects
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- Python Arrays
- Python - Arrays
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- Python Errors & Exceptions
- Python - Syntax Errors
- Python - Exceptions
- Python - try-except Block
- Python - try-finally Block
- Python - Raising Exceptions
- Python - Exception Chaining
- Python - Nested try Block
- Python - User-defined Exception
- Python - Logging
- Python - Assertions
- Python - Built-in Exceptions
- Python Multithreading
- Python - Multithreading
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Python Variable Scope
Scope of Variables in Python
The scope of a variable in Python is defined as the specific area or region where the variable is accessible to the user. The scope of a variable depends on where and how it is defined. In Python, a variable can have either a global or a local scope.
On the basis of scope, the Python variables are classified in three categories −
Local Variables
Global Variables
Nonlocal Variables
Local Variables
A local variable is defined within a specific function or block of code. It can only be accessed by the function or block where it was defined, and it has a limited scope. In other words, the scope of local variables is limited to the function they are defined in and attempting to access them outside of this function will result in an error. Always remember, multiple local variables can exist with the same name.
The following example shows the scope of local variables.
def myfunction(): a = 10 b = 20 print("variable a:", a) print("variable b:", b) return a+b print (myfunction())
In the above code, we have accessed the local variables through its function. Hence, the code will produce the following output −
variable a: 10 variable b: 20 30
Global Variables
A global variable can be accessed from any part of the program, and it is defined outside any function or block of code. It is not specific to any block or function.
The following example shows the scope of global variable. We can access them inside as well as outside of the function scope.
#global variables name = 'TutorialsPoint' marks = 50 def myfunction(): # accessing inside the function print("name:", name) print("marks:", marks) # function call myfunction()
The above code will produce the following output −
name: TutorialsPoint marks: 50
Nonlocal Variables
The Python variables that are not defined in either local or global scope are called nonlocal variables. They are used in nested functions.
The following example demonstrates the how nonlocal variables works.
def yourfunction(): a = 5 b = 6 # nested function def myfunction(): # nonlocal function nonlocal a nonlocal b a = 10 b = 20 print("variable a:", a) print("variable b:", b) return a+b print (myfunction()) yourfunction()
The above code will produce the below output −
variable a: 10 variable b: 20 30
Namespace and Scope of Python Variables
A namespace is a collection of identifiers, such as variable names, function names, class names, etc. In Python, namespace is used to manage the scope of variables and to prevent naming conflicts.
Python provides the following types of namespaces −
Built-in namespace contains built-in functions and built-in exceptions. They are loaded in the memory as soon as Python interpreter is loaded and remain till the interpreter is running.
Global namespace contains any names defined in the main program. These names remain in memory till the program is running.
Local namespace contains names defined inside a function. They are available till the function is running.
These namespaces are nested one inside the other. Following diagram shows relationship between namespaces.
The life of a certain variable is restricted to the namespace in which it is defined. As a result, it is not possible to access a variable present in the inner namespace from any outer namespace.
Python globals() Function
Python's standard library includes a built-in function globals(). It returns a dictionary of symbols currently available in global namespace.
Run the globals() function directly from the Python prompt.
>>> globals() {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>}
It can be seen that the builtins module which contains definitions of all built-in functions and built-in exceptions is loaded.
Save the following code that contains few variables and a function with few more variables inside it.
name = 'TutorialsPoint' marks = 50 result = True def myfunction(): a = 10 b = 20 return a+b print (globals())
Calling globals() from inside this script returns following dictionary object −
{'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x00000263E7255250>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__file__': 'C:\\Users\\user\\examples\\main.py', '__cached__': None, 'name': 'TutorialsPoint', 'marks': 50, 'result': True, 'myfunction': <function myfunction at 0x00000263E72004A0>}
The global namespace now contains variables in the program and their values and the function object in it (and not the variables in the function).
Any variable created outside a function can be accessed within any function and so they have global scope. Following is an example to show the usage of global variable in Python:
x = 5 y = 10 def sum(): sum = x + y return sum print(sum())
This will produce the following result:
Python locals() Function
Python's standard library includes a built-in function locals(). It returns a dictionary of symbols currently available in the local namespace of the function.
Modify the above script to print dictionary of global and local namespaces from within the function.
name = 'TutorialsPoint' marks = 50 result = True def myfunction(): a = 10 b = 20 c = a+b print ("globals():", globals()) print ("locals():", locals()) return c myfunction()
The output shows that locals() returns a dictionary of variables and their values currently available in the function.
globals(): {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x00000169AE265250>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__file__': 'C:\\Users\\mlath\\examples\\main.py', '__cached__': None, 'name': 'TutorialsPoint', 'marks': 50, 'result': True, 'myfunction': <function myfunction at 0x00000169AE2104A0>} locals(): {'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'c': 30}
Since both globals() and locals functions return dictionary, you can access value of a variable from respective namespace with dictionary get() method or index operator.
print (globals()['name']) # displays TutorialsPoint print (locals().get('a')) # displays 10
Following is a simple example to show the usage of local variables in Python:
def sum(x,y): sum = x + y return sum print(sum(5, 10))
Namespace Conflict in Python
If a variable of same name is present in global as well as local scope, Python interpreter gives priority to the one in local namespace.
marks = 50 # this is a global variable def myfunction(): marks = 70 # this is a local variable print (marks) myfunction() print (marks) # prints global value
It will produce the following output −
70 50
If you try to manipulate value of a global variable from inside a function, Python raises UnboundLocalError.
marks = 50 # this is a global variable def myfunction(): marks = marks + 20 print (marks) myfunction() print (marks) # prints global value
It will produce the following output −
marks = marks + 20 ^^^^^ UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'marks' where it is not associated with a value
To modify a global variable, you can either update it with a dictionary syntax, or use the global keyword to refer it before modifying.
var1 = 50 # this is a global variable var2 = 60 # this is a global variable def myfunction(): "Change values of global variables" globals()['var1'] = globals()['var1']+10 global var2 var2 = var2 + 20 myfunction() print ("var1:",var1, "var2:",var2) #shows global variables with changed values
It will produce the following output −
var1: 60 var2: 80
Lastly, if you try to access a local variable in global scope, Python raises NameError as the variable in local scope can't be accessed outside it.
var1 = 50 # this is a global variable var2 = 60 # this is a global variable def myfunction(x, y): total = x+y print ("Total is a local variable: ", total) myfunction(var1, var2) print (total) # This gives NameError
It will produce the following output −
Total is a local variable: 110 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\user\examples\main.py", line 9, in <module> print (total) # This gives NameError ^^^^^ NameError: name 'total' is not defined