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- Python - If else
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- Python - for Loops
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- Python - break Statement
- Python - continue Statement
- Python - pass Statement
- Python - Nested Loops
- Python Functions & Modules
- Python - Functions
- Python - Default Arguments
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- Python - Keyword-Only Arguments
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- Python - Positional-Only Arguments
- Python - Arbitrary Arguments
- Python - Variables Scope
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- Python - Built in Functions
- Python Strings
- Python - Strings
- Python - Slicing Strings
- Python - Modify Strings
- Python - String Concatenation
- Python - String Formatting
- Python - Escape Characters
- Python - String Methods
- Python - String Exercises
- Python Lists
- Python - Lists
- Python - Access List Items
- Python - Change List Items
- Python - Add List Items
- Python - Remove List Items
- Python - Loop Lists
- Python - List Comprehension
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- Python - Copy Lists
- Python - Join Lists
- Python - List Methods
- Python - List Exercises
- Python Tuples
- Python - Tuples
- Python - Access Tuple Items
- Python - Update Tuples
- Python - Unpack Tuples
- Python - Loop Tuples
- Python - Join Tuples
- Python - Tuple Methods
- Python - Tuple Exercises
- Python Sets
- Python - Sets
- Python - Access Set Items
- Python - Add Set Items
- Python - Remove Set Items
- Python - Loop Sets
- Python - Join Sets
- Python - Copy Sets
- Python - Set Operators
- Python - Set Methods
- Python - Set Exercises
- Python Dictionaries
- Python - Dictionaries
- Python - Access Dictionary Items
- Python - Change Dictionary Items
- Python - Add Dictionary Items
- Python - Remove Dictionary Items
- Python - Dictionary View Objects
- Python - Loop Dictionaries
- Python - Copy Dictionaries
- Python - Nested Dictionaries
- Python - Dictionary Methods
- Python - Dictionary Exercises
- Python Arrays
- Python - Arrays
- Python - Access Array Items
- Python - Add Array Items
- Python - Remove Array Items
- Python - Loop Arrays
- Python - Copy Arrays
- Python - Reverse Arrays
- Python - Sort Arrays
- Python - Join Arrays
- Python - Array Methods
- Python - Array Exercises
- Python File Handling
- Python - File Handling
- Python - Write to File
- Python - Read Files
- Python - Renaming and Deleting Files
- Python - Directories
- Python - File Methods
- Python - OS File/Directory Methods
- Python - OS Path Methods
- Object Oriented Programming
- Python - OOPs Concepts
- Python - Classes & Objects
- Python - Class Attributes
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- Python - Static Methods
- Python - Constructors
- Python - Access Modifiers
- Python - Inheritance
- Python - Polymorphism
- Python - Method Overriding
- Python - Method Overloading
- Python - Dynamic Binding
- Python - Dynamic Typing
- Python - Abstraction
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- Python - Interfaces
- Python - Packages
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- Python - Anonymous Class and Objects
- Python - Singleton Class
- Python - Wrapper Classes
- Python - Enums
- Python - Reflection
- Python Errors & Exceptions
- Python - Syntax Errors
- Python - Exceptions
- Python - try-except Block
- Python - try-finally Block
- Python - Raising Exceptions
- Python - Exception Chaining
- Python - Nested try Block
- Python - User-defined Exception
- Python - Logging
- Python - Assertions
- Python - Built-in Exceptions
- Python Multithreading
- Python - Multithreading
- Python - Thread Life Cycle
- Python - Creating a Thread
- Python - Starting a Thread
- Python - Joining Threads
- Python - Naming Thread
- Python - Thread Scheduling
- Python - Thread Pools
- Python - Main Thread
- Python - Thread Priority
- Python - Daemon Threads
- Python - Synchronizing Threads
- Python Synchronization
- Python - Inter-thread Communication
- Python - Thread Deadlock
- Python - Interrupting a Thread
- Python Networking
- Python - Networking
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- Python - Generics
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- Python Miscellenous
- Python - Date & Time
- Python - Maths
- Python - Iterators
- Python - Generators
- Python - Closures
- Python - Decorators
- Python - Recursion
- Python - Reg Expressions
- Python - PIP
- Python - Database Access
- Python - Weak References
- Python - Serialization
- Python - Templating
- Python - Output Formatting
- Python - Performance Measurement
- Python - Data Compression
- Python - CGI Programming
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Python OS.Path Methods
The os.path is another Python module, which also provides a big range of useful methods to manipulate files and directories. Most of the useful methods are listed here −
Sr.No. | Methods with Description |
1 | os.path.abspath(path)
Returns a normalized absolutized version of the pathname path. |
2 | os.path.basename(path)
Returns the base name of pathname path. |
3 | os.path.commonprefix(list)
Returns the longest path prefix (taken character-by-character) that is a prefix of all paths in list. |
4 | os.path.dirname(path)
Returns the directory name of pathname path. |
5 | os.path.exists(path)
Returns True if path refers to an existing path. Returns False for broken symbolic links. |
6 | os.path.lexists(path)
Returns True if path refers to an existing path. Returns True for broken symbolic links. |
7 | os.path.expanduser(path)
On Unix and Windows, returns the argument with an initial component of ~ or ~user replaced by that user's home directory. |
8 | os.path.expandvars(path)
Returns the argument with environment variables expanded. |
9 | os.path.getatime(path)
Returns the time of last access of path. |
10 | os.path.getmtime(path)
Returns the time of last modification of path. |
11 | os.path.getctime(path)
Returns the system's ctime, which on some systems (like Unix) is the time of the last change, and, on others (like Windows), is the creation time for path. |
12 | os.path.getsize(path)
Returns the size, in bytes, of path. |
13 | os.path.isabs(path)
Returns True if path is an absolute pathname. |
14 | os.path.isfile(path)
Returns True if path is an existing regular file. |
15 | os.path.isdir(path)
Returns True if path is an existing directory. |
16 | os.path.islink(path)
Returns True if path refers to a directory entry that is a symbolic link. |
17 | os.path.ismount(path)
Returns True if pathname path is a mount point: a point in a file system where a different file system has been mounted. |
18 | os.path.join(path1[, path2[, ...]])
Joins one or more path components intelligently. |
19 | os.path.normcase(path)
Normalizes the case of a pathname. |
20 | os.path.normpath(path)
Normalizes a pathname. |
21 | os.path.realpath(path)
Returns the canonical path of the specified filename, eliminating any symbolic links encountered in the path |
22 | os.path.relpath(path[, start])
Returns a relative filepath to path either from the current directory or from an optional start point. |
23 | os.path.samefile(path1, path2)
Returns True if both pathname arguments refer to the same file or directory |
24 | os.path.sameopenfile(fp1, fp2)
Returns True if the file descriptors fp1 and fp2 refer to the same file. |
25 | os.path.samestat(stat1, stat2)
Returns True if the stat tuples stat1 and stat2 refer to the same file. |
26 | os.path.split(path)
Splits the pathname path into a pair, (head, tail) where tail is the last pathname component and head is everything leading up to that. |
27 | os.path.splitdrive(path)
Splits the pathname path into a pair (drive, tail) where drive is either a drive specification or the empty string. |
28 | os.path.splitext(path)
Splits the pathname path into a pair (root, ext) such that root + ext == path, and ext is empty or begins with a period and contains at most one period. |
29 | os.path.walk(path, visit, arg)
Calls the function visit with arguments (arg, dirname, names) for each directory in the directory tree rooted at path (including path itself, if it is a directory). |