Statistics - Means Difference

The mean difference (more correctly, 'difference in means') is a standard statistic that measures the absolute difference between the mean value in two groups in a clinical trial. It estimates the amount by which the experimental intervention changes the outcome on average compared with the control.


${Mean\ Difference= \frac{\sum x_1}{n} - \frac{\sum x_2}{n}}$

Where −

  • ${x_1}$ = Mean of group one

  • ${x_2}$ = Mean of group two

  • ${n}$ = Sample size


Problem Statement:

There are 2 dance groups whose data is listed below. Find the mean difference between these dance groups.

Group 13957
Group 25344


${ \sum x_1 = 3 + 9 + 5 + 7 = 24 \\[7pt] \sum x_2 = 5 + 3 + 4 + 4 = 16 \\[7pt] M_1 = \frac{\sum x_1}{n} = \frac{24}{4} = 6 \\[7pt] M_2 = \frac{\sum x_2}{n} = \frac{16}{4} = 4 \\[7pt] Mean Difference = 6-4 = 2 }$
