- Javascript Basics Tutorial
- Javascript - Home
- JavaScript - Overview
- JavaScript - Features
- JavaScript - Enabling
- JavaScript - Placement
- JavaScript - Syntax
- JavaScript - Hello World
- JavaScript - Console.log()
- JavaScript - Comments
- JavaScript - Variables
- JavaScript - let Statement
- JavaScript - Constants
- JavaScript - Data Types
- JavaScript - Type Conversions
- JavaScript - Strict Mode
- JavaScript - Reserved Keywords
- JavaScript Operators
- JavaScript - Operators
- JavaScript - Arithmetic Operators
- JavaScript - Comparison Operators
- JavaScript - Logical Operators
- JavaScript - Bitwise Operators
- JavaScript - Assignment Operators
- JavaScript - Conditional Operators
- JavaScript - typeof Operator
- JavaScript - Nullish Coalescing Operator
- JavaScript - Delete Operator
- JavaScript - Comma Operator
- JavaScript - Grouping Operator
- JavaScript - Yield Operator
- JavaScript - Spread Operator
- JavaScript - Exponentiation Operator
- JavaScript - Operator Precedence
- JavaScript Control Flow
- JavaScript - If...Else
- JavaScript - While Loop
- JavaScript - For Loop
- JavaScript - For...in
- Javascript - For...of
- JavaScript - Loop Control
- JavaScript - Break Statement
- JavaScript - Continue Statement
- JavaScript - Switch Case
- JavaScript - User Defined Iterators
- JavaScript Functions
- JavaScript - Functions
- JavaScript - Function Expressions
- JavaScript - Function Parameters
- JavaScript - Default Parameters
- JavaScript - Function() Constructor
- JavaScript - Function Hoisting
- JavaScript - Self-Invoking Functions
- JavaScript - Arrow Functions
- JavaScript - Function Invocation
- JavaScript - Function call()
- JavaScript - Function apply()
- JavaScript - Function bind()
- JavaScript - Closures
- JavaScript - Variable Scope
- JavaScript - Global Variables
- JavaScript - Smart Function Parameters
- JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript - Number
- JavaScript - Boolean
- JavaScript - Strings
- JavaScript - Arrays
- JavaScript - Date
- JavaScript - DataView
- JavaScript - Math
- JavaScript - RegExp
- JavaScript - Symbol
- JavaScript - Sets
- JavaScript - WeakSet
- JavaScript - Maps
- JavaScript - WeakMap
- JavaScript - Iterables
- JavaScript - Reflect
- JavaScript - TypedArray
- JavaScript - Template Literals
- JavaScript - Tagged Templates
- Object Oriented JavaScript
- JavaScript - Objects
- JavaScript - Classes
- JavaScript - Object Properties
- JavaScript - Object Methods
- JavaScript - Static Methods
- JavaScript - Display Objects
- JavaScript - Object Accessors
- JavaScript - Object Constructors
- JavaScript - Native Prototypes
- JavaScript - ES5 Object Methods
- JavaScript - Encapsulation
- JavaScript - Inheritance
- JavaScript - Abstraction
- JavaScript - Polymorphism
- JavaScript - Destructuring Assignment
- JavaScript - Object Destructuring
- JavaScript - Array Destructuring
- JavaScript - Nested Destructuring
- JavaScript - Optional Chaining
- JavaScript - Global Object
- JavaScript - Mixins
- JavaScript - Proxies
- JavaScript Versions
- JavaScript - History
- JavaScript - Versions
- JavaScript - ES5
- JavaScript - ES6
- ECMAScript 2016
- ECMAScript 2017
- ECMAScript 2018
- ECMAScript 2019
- ECMAScript 2020
- ECMAScript 2021
- ECMAScript 2022
- JavaScript Cookies
- JavaScript - Cookies
- JavaScript - Cookie Attributes
- JavaScript - Deleting Cookies
- JavaScript Browser BOM
- JavaScript - Browser Object Model
- JavaScript - Window Object
- JavaScript - Document Object
- JavaScript - Screen Object
- JavaScript - History Object
- JavaScript - Navigator Object
- JavaScript - Location Object
- JavaScript - Console Object
- JavaScript Web APIs
- JavaScript - Web API
- JavaScript - History API
- JavaScript - Storage API
- JavaScript - Forms API
- JavaScript - Worker API
- JavaScript - Fetch API
- JavaScript - Geolocation API
- JavaScript Events
- JavaScript - Events
- JavaScript - DOM Events
- JavaScript - addEventListener()
- JavaScript - Mouse Events
- JavaScript - Keyboard Events
- JavaScript - Form Events
- JavaScript - Window/Document Events
- JavaScript - Event Delegation
- JavaScript - Event Bubbling
- JavaScript - Event Capturing
- JavaScript - Custom Events
- JavaScript Error Handling
- JavaScript - Error Handling
- JavaScript - try...catch
- JavaScript - Debugging
- JavaScript - Custom Errors
- JavaScript - Extending Errors
- JavaScript Important Keywords
- JavaScript - this Keyword
- JavaScript - void Keyword
- JavaScript - new Keyword
- JavaScript - var Keyword
- JavaScript HTML DOM
- JavaScript - HTML DOM
- JavaScript - DOM Methods
- JavaScript - DOM Document
- JavaScript - DOM Elements
- JavaScript - DOM Forms
- JavaScript - Changing HTML
- JavaScript - Changing CSS
- JavaScript - DOM Animation
- JavaScript - DOM Navigation
- JavaScript - DOM Collections
- JavaScript - DOM Node Lists
- JavaScript Miscellaneous
- JavaScript - Ajax
- JavaScript - Async Iteration
- JavaScript - Atomics Objects
- JavaScript - Rest Parameter
- JavaScript - Page Redirect
- JavaScript - Dialog Boxes
- JavaScript - Page Printing
- JavaScript - Validations
- JavaScript - Animation
- JavaScript - Multimedia
- JavaScript - Image Map
- JavaScript - Browsers
- JavaScript - JSON
- JavaScript - Multiline Strings
- JavaScript - Date Formats
- JavaScript - Get Date Methods
- JavaScript - Set Date Methods
- JavaScript - Modules
- JavaScript - Dynamic Imports
- JavaScript - BigInt
- JavaScript - Blob
- JavaScript - Unicode
- JavaScript - Shallow Copy
- JavaScript - Call Stack
- JavaScript - Reference Type
- JavaScript - IndexedDB
- JavaScript - Clickjacking Attack
- JavaScript - Currying
- JavaScript - Graphics
- JavaScript - Canvas
- JavaScript - Debouncing
- JavaScript - Performance
- JavaScript - Style Guide
- JavaScript Useful Resources
- JavaScript - Questions And Answers
- JavaScript - Quick Guide
- JavaScript - Functions
- JavaScript - Resources
JavaScript - Errors & Exceptions Handling
Error handling in JavaScript is a process to detect and handle errors that occurs during the execution of a program. Errors can be a syntax, runtime or logical errors. An error occurred during the execution of the program is called a runtime error or an exception.
In JavaScript, errors can occur due to programming mistakes, incorrect user input, etc. Errors can disrupt code execution and lead to bad user experience. Effective error & exception handling is required for building robust, reliable and user friendly applications in JavaScript.
What is an Error?
An error is an event that occurs during the execution of a program that prevents it from continuing normally. Errors can be caused by a variety of factors, such as syntax errors, runtime errors, and logical errors.
Syntax Errors
Syntax errors, also called parsing errors, occur at compile time in traditional programming languages and at interpret time in JavaScript.
For example, the following line causes a syntax error because it is missing a closing parenthesis.
<script> window.print(); </script>
When a syntax error occurs in JavaScript, only the code contained within the same thread as the syntax error is affected, and the rest of the code in other threads gets executed, assuming nothing in them depends on the code containing the error.
Runtime Errors (Exceptions)
Runtime errors, also called exceptions, occur during execution (after compilation/interpretation).
For example, the following line causes a runtime error because the syntax is correct here, but at runtime, it is trying to call a method that does not exist.
<script> window.printme(); </script>
Exceptions also affect the thread in which they occur, allowing other JavaScript threads to continue normal execution.
There are many JavaScript runtime errors (exceptions), some are as follows −
ReferenceError − Trying to access an undefined variable/ method.
TypeError − Attempting an operation on incompatible data types.
RangeError − A value exceeds the allowed range.
Logical Errors
Logic errors can be the most difficult type of errors to track down. These errors are not the result of a syntax or runtime error. Instead, they occur when you make a mistake in the logic that drives your script and do not get the expected result.
For example, when you divide any numeric value with 10, it returns undefined.
<script> let num = 10/0; </script>
What is Error Handling?
Whenever any error occurs in the JavaScript code, the JavaScript engine stops the execution of the whole code. If you handle such errors in the proper way, you can skip the code with errors and continue to execute the other JavaScript code.
You can use the following mechanisms to handle the error.
try...catch...finally statements
throw statements
the onerror() event handler property
Custom Errors
The try...catch...finally Statement
The latest versions of JavaScript added exception handling capabilities. JavaScript implements the try...catch...finally construct as well as the throw operator to handle exceptions.
You can catch programmer-generated and runtime exceptions, but you cannot catch JavaScript syntax errors.
Here is the try...catch...finally block syntax −
<script> try { // Code to run [break;] } catch ( e ) { // Code to run if an exception occurs [break;] } [ finally { // Code that is always executed regardless of // an exception occurring }] </script>
The try block must be followed by either exactly one catch block or one finally block (or one of both). When an exception occurs in the try block, the exception is placed in e and the catch block is executed. The optional finally block executes unconditionally after try/catch.
Here is an example where we are trying to call a non-existing function which in turn is raising an exception.
Let us try to catch this exception using try...catch and display a user-friendly message. You can also suppress this message, if you want to hide this error from a user.
You can use finally block which will always execute unconditionally after the try/catch.
<html> <head> <script> try { var a = 100; alert(myFunc(a)); } catch (e) { alert(e); } finally { alert("Finally block will always execute!" ); } </script> </head> <body> <p>Exception handling using try...catch...finally statements</p> </body> </html>
Exception handling using try...catch...finaly statements
The throw Statement
You can use throw statement to raise your built-in exceptions or your customized exceptions. Later these exceptions can be captured and you can take an appropriate action.
The following example demonstrates how to use a throw statement.
<html> <head> <script> function myFunc() { var a = 100; var b = 0; try { if ( b == 0 ) { throw( "Divide by zero error." ); } else { var c = a / b; } } catch ( e ) { alert("Error: " + e ); } } </script> </head> <body> <p>Click the following to see the result:</p> <form> <input type = "button" value = "Click Me" onclick = "myFunc();" /> </form> </body> </html>
Click the following to see the result: Click Me
You can raise an exception in one function using a string, integer, Boolean, or an object and then you can capture that exception either in the same function as we did above, or in another function using a try...catch block.
The onerror Event Handler Property
The onerror event handler was the first feature to facilitate error handling in JavaScript. The onerror is an event handler property of the 'window' object, which automatically triggers when any error occurs on any element of the web page. You can call the callback function when any error occurs to handle the error.
You can follow the syntax below to use the onerror event handler property.
window.onerror = errorhandler_func; OR <ele onerror="errorhandler_func()"> </ele>
In the above syntax, errorhandler_func() will be executed when any error will occur.
The onerror event handler provides three pieces of information to identify the exact nature of the error −
Error message − The same message that the browser would display for the given error
URL − The file in which the error occurred
Line number − The line number in the given URL that caused the error
In the code below, we added the onclick event on the <input> element, and we called the myFunc() function when users click the input element. The myFunc() function is not defined. So, it will throw an error.
We used the 'onerror' event handler to catch the error. In the callback function, we print the error message, file URL, and line number in the file where the error occurs.
<html> <body> <p> Click the following button to see the result:</p> <form> <input type = "button" value = "Click Me" onclick = "myFunc();" /> </form> <div id = "demo"> </div> <script> const output = document.getElementById("demo"); window.onerror = function (msg, url, line) { output.innerHTML = "Error: " + msg + "<br>"; output.innerHTML += "URL: " + url + "<br>"; output.innerHTML += "Line: " + line + "<br>"; } </script> </body> </html>
Click the following button to see the result: Click Me Error: Uncaught ReferenceError: myFunc is not defined URL: file:///C:/Users/Lenovo/Desktop/intex.html Line: 5
You can use an onerror method, as shown below, to display an error message in case there is any problem in loading an image.
<img src="myimage.gif" onerror="alert('An error occurred loading the image.')" />
You can use onerror with many HTML tags to display appropriate messages in case of errors.
The JavaScript Error Class and Error Object
Whenever any error occurs in the code, JavaScript throws an instance (object) of the error class. The error object contains the information about the error.
However, Error() is a generic constructor for all types of errors, but different objects exist for different types of errors.
JavaScript Custom Errors
You can also throw an error with the custom message using the Error() constructor.
const customError = new Error(message); customError.name = "CustomError";
Here, we have created the 'Error' class instance and passed the 'message' as an argument. Also, we have changed the value of the 'name' property. Similarly, you can change the value of the 'message' property if you don't want to pass it as an Error() constructor argument.
JavaScript Error Object Reference
JavaScript Error Types or Constructor
JavaScript contains the below types of errors. You can also use it as a constructor to create a new error of the specific type.
Error Type/Object | Description |
Error | It is a generic constructor for the error. You can also create custom errors by extending the Error object. |
SyntaxError | The instance of the SyntaxError is thrown when any error is in the syntax. For example, missing parenthesis, invalid JSON, etc. |
ReferenceError | The reference error occurs when you try to access variables not defined in the current scope. |
TypeError | When the types of the variables is not valid, JavaScript throws the type error. |
RangeError | When numeric input is out of range, it throws the range error. |
URIError | JavaScript throws the URIError when you pass invalid arguments to the decodeURI or encodeURI methods. |
EvalError | Deprecated. |
AggregateError | It is used to aggregate multiple error objects into a single error object, and it allows you to handle multiple error objects. |
Error Object Properties
The Error object contains the two properties.
Property | Description |
name | It is used to set or get an error name. |
message | It is used to set or get an error message. |
Non-Standard Properties and Methods
Here is the list of the non-standard properties and methods of the Error object. However, they are not supported by all browsers. So, you should avoid using them.
Property | Description |
columnNumber | It is supported in the Firefox browser only. |
description | It is supported in the Microsoft browser only. |
displayName | It is supported in the Firefox browser only. |
fileName | It is supported in the Firefox browser only. |
lineNumber | It is supported in the Firefox browser only. |
number | It is supported in the Microsoft browser only. |
stack | It is supported in the Firefox browser only. |
internalError() | It is supported in the Firefox browser only. |
toSource() | It is a Non Standard method of the Error object. |