- HTML Tutorial
- HTML - Home
- HTML - Introduction
- HTML - Editors
- HTML - Basic Tags
- HTML - Elements
- HTML - Attributes
- HTML - Headings
- HTML - Paragraphs
- HTML - Fonts
- HTML - Blocks
- HTML - Style Sheet
- HTML - Formatting
- HTML - Quotations
- HTML - Comments
- HTML - Colors
- HTML - Images
- HTML - Image Map
- HTML - Iframes
- HTML - Phrase Elements
- HTML - Meta Tags
- HTML - Classes
- HTML - IDs
- HTML - Backgrounds
- HTML Tables
- HTML - Tables
- HTML - Headers & Caption
- HTML - Table Styling
- HTML - Table Colgroup
- HTML - Nested Tables
- HTML Lists
- HTML - Lists
- HTML - Unordered Lists
- HTML - Ordered Lists
- HTML - Definition Lists
- HTML Links
- HTML - Text Links
- HTML - Image Links
- HTML - Email Links
- HTML Color Names & Values
- HTML - Color Names
- HTML Forms
- HTML - Forms
- HTML - Form Attributes
- HTML - Form Control
- HTML - Input Attributes
- HTML Media
- HTML - Video Element
- HTML - Audio Element
- HTML - Embed Multimedia
- HTML Header
- HTML - Head Element
- HTML - Adding Favicon
- HTML - Javascript
- HTML Layouts
- HTML - Layouts
- HTML - Layout Elements
- HTML - Layout using CSS
- HTML - Responsiveness
- HTML - Symbols
- HTML - Emojis
- HTML - Style Guide
- HTML Graphics
- HTML - Canvas
- HTML - Geolocation API
- HTML - Drag & Drop API
- HTML - Web Workers API
- HTML - WebSocket
- HTML - Web Storage
- HTML - Server Sent Events
- HTML Miscellaneous
- HTML - MathML
- HTML - Microdata
- HTML - IndexedDB
- HTML - Web Messaging
- HTML - Web RTC
- HTML Demo
- HTML - Audio Player
- HTML - Video Player
- HTML - Web slide Desk
- HTML Tools
- HTML - Velocity Draw
- HTML - QR Code
- HTML - Modernizer
- HTML - Validation
- HTML - Color Picker
- HTML References
- HTML - Cheat Sheet
- HTML - Tags Reference
- HTML - Attributes Reference
- HTML - Events Reference
- HTML - Fonts Reference
- HTML - ASCII Codes
- ASCII Table Lookup
- HTML - Color Names
- HTML - Entities
- MIME Media Types
- HTML - URL Encoding
- Language ISO Codes
- HTML - Character Encodings
- HTML - Deprecated Tags
- HTML Resources
- HTML - Quick Guide
- HTML - Useful Resources
- HTML - Color Code Builder
- HTML - Online Editor
HTML - <link> Tag
HTML <link> tag specifies relationship between the current document and an external resource.
The <link> tag is mostly used to link stylesheets. It is also used to set site icons (both favicon-style icons and icons for the home screens and apps on mobile).
<link href="..." rel=".."/>
HTML link tag supports Global and Event attributes of HTML. Accept some specific attributes as well which are listed below.
Attribute | Value | Description |
crossorigin | anonymous use-credentials |
Specifies how the element handles cross-origin requests. |
href | URL | Specify the link page which we wants to link. |
hreflang | language_code | Spefeicy the language of the attached link. |
media | media_query | Specifies what media/device the linked document is optimized for. |
referrerpolicy | no-referrer no-referrer-when-downgrade origin origin-when-cross-origin unsafe-url |
Specifies which referrer information to send with the link. |
rel | alternate author dns-prefetch help icon license next pingback preconnect prefetch preload prerender prev search stylesheet |
Define the relation between the current and linked url document. |
sizes | HeightxWidth any |
Specifies the size of the linked resource. Only for rel="icon". |
title | Specifies a preferred or an alternate stylesheet. | |
type | media_type | Specify the media type of the inked url document. |
Examples of HTML link Tag
Bellow examples will illustrate the usage of link tag. Where, when and how to use link tag. In each example we tried to show the different use cases of <link> tag.
Linking external Style sheet
In the following example, we are creating an external resource link element using the <link> tag to link the CSS file with the HTML file. We pass the CSS file name "style.css" as a source to the href attribute and pass the "stylesheet" to the rel attribute source.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>HTML Anchor Tag</title> <!--create a link tag--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html>
body{ background-color: green; } h1{ color: white; font-size: 40px; }
Linking favicon on the Tab
Following is another example of the HTML <link> tag. Here, we are establishing the favicon on the browser using the <link> tag with its rel and href attribute. We have given the local image name "download.png" as the link destination to the href attribute and given the rel attribute source as "icon".
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>HTML Anchor Tag</title> <!--create a link tag--> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="download.png"> <style> body { background-color: aquamarine; font-family: initial; font-size: 20px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1> The <pre> <link> </pre> tag with the favicon icon...... </h1> </body> </html>
Linking external resources with Attributes
In this example, we are creating an external resource link using the <link> tag with its rel, href, and sizes attribute to establish and manage the size of the favicon on the browser.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Link Tag</title> <!--create a link tag--> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="simply-easy-learning.png" sizes="500x500"> <style> body { background-color: rgb(14, 116, 211); font-family: initial; font-size: 16px; color: white; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>favicon with <pre> <link> </pre> tag </h1> </body> </html>
Defining print Media
You can also provide a media type or query inside a media attribute, this resource will then only be loaded if the media condition is true. For example −
If you print this page, or open it in print preview, you will see that it is styled with the media="print" stylesheet. The "print" stylesheet contains black text on white background.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Link Tag</title> <!--create a link tag--> <link href="print.css" rel="stylesheet" media="print" /> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width: 680px)" /> </head> <body> <h1>The <pre> <link> </pre> tag with media attribute </h1> </body> </html>
body{ background-color: aquamarine; color: white; }
body{ background-color: green; } h1{ color: white; font-size: 40px; }
Supported Browsers
Tag | |||||
link | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |