HTML - Color Code Builder

Sometimes we need to decorate our HTML pages using different colors. HTML provides a wide range of attributes that can be used to set background color, font color and so on.

To use colors in your HTML pages, we are required to choose valid color codes. It is always difficult to find colors code. If you have any color in you have any color in your mind the below tool helps to convert that to rgb and hexadecimal code.

HTML Color Picker

We can make any colors using combination RED, GREEN, and BLUE. If we set maximum intensity of all three colors, then the resulting color will be white. Similarly, if we give zero intensity for all RGB values, we will get black color.

The rgb() function takes three parameters namely the red value, the green value, and the blue value. Each value is specified using an integer which can range from 0 to 255, where 0 means no color and 255 means full color intensity. Mixing these values will create other different colors.

HSL Color Code Generator

The HSL color model stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. Hue is the type of color, measured in degrees from 0 to 360. Saturation is the intensity of the color, from 0% (gray) to 100% (full color). Lightness is the brightness of the color, from 0% (black) to 100% (white). By adjusting these three values, we can create a wide range of colors. This model is often considered more intuitive for selecting colors compared to the RGB model.
