CSS - quotes

CSS quotes property allows browser to render quotation marks for the content.

Quotes can be added to any element. They seek the benefit of pseudo-elements ::before and ::after to insert the quotation marks at the beginning and at the end of a quote. These pseudo-elements are defined by the content property.

This CSS quotes specifies how the browser should render quotation marks that are added using the open-quote and close-quote values of the content property.

Possible Values

  • none − The open-quote and close-quote values of the content property produce no quotation marks.

  • string,string,+ − One or more pairs of string values for open-quote and close-quote. The first pair represents the outer level of quotation. The second pair is for the first nested level and next pair for third level and so on.

  • initial − Depends on user agent

  • auto − Appropriate quote marks will be used for whatever language value is set on the selected elements (i.e. via the lang attribute).

Applies to

All elements.


Keyword Value

quotes: none;
quotes: auto;

<string> Value

   quotes: "«" "»"; 
   quotes: "«" "»" "‹" "›";

Following table describes the various quotation mark characters:

Quotes Description Entity Number
" double quotes \0022
' single quote \0027
< single, left angle quote \2039
> single, right angle quote \203A
<< double, left angle quote \00AB
>> double, right angle quote \00BB
>> double, right angle quote \00BB
left quote (single high-6) \2018
right quote (single high-9) \2019
left quote (double high-6) \201C
right quote (double high-9) \201D
double quote (double low-9) \201E

CSS quotes - none Value

The none value for the quotes property indicates that open-quote and close-quote values of the content property produce no quotation marks. Following example demonstartes this:

   p {
      quotes: none;
   p:before {
      content: open-quote;
   p:after {
      content: close-quote;
   <p>Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes set to <i>none</i></p>

CSS quotes - <string> Value

Following example demonstartes specifies which quotation marks to use when string,string,+ value is used.

The first value specifies the first level of quotation embedding, the next two values specifies the next level of quote embedding, and so on

   #quote1 {
      quotes: '‘' '’';
   #quote2 {
      quotes: '"' '"';
   #quote3 {
      quotes: '<' '>';
   #quote4 {
      quotes: '<<' '>>';
   #quote5 {
      quotes: "<<" ">>" "<" ">";
   #quote6 {
      quotes: '\2018' '\2019';
   #quote7 {
      quotes: '\'' 00AB' ' \00BB';
   #quote8 {
      quotes: '\2039' '\203A';
   #quote9 {
      quotes: '\00AB' '\00BB';
   #quote10 {
      quotes: '\201D' '\201E';
   <h3>Using quotes symbol:</h3>
   <p><q id="quote1">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes.</q></p>
   <p><q id="quote2">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes</q>.</q></p>
   <p><q id="quote1">Tutorialspoint CSS <q id="quote2">Quotes</q>.</q></p>
   <p>Tutorialspoint CSS <q id="quote3">Quotes</q>.</p>
   <p><q id="quote4">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes</q>.</q></p>
   <p><q id="quote5">Tutorialspoint CSS<q id="quote5">Quotes</q>.</q></p>

   <h3>Using entity number:</h3>
   <p><q id="quote6">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes.</q></p>
   <p><q id="quote6">Tutorialspoint CSS<q id="quote6">Quotes</q>.</q></p>
   <p><q id="quote7">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes.</q></p>
   <p>Tutorialspoint CSS <q id="quote8">Quotes</q>.</p>
   <p><q id="quote9">Tutorialspoint CSS <q id="quote9">Quotes</q>.</q></p>
   <p><q id="quot10">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes.</q></p>

CSS quotes - initial Value

Followig example demonstrates use of the quotes: initial; property value. This values sets default values to quotes.

   q {
      quotes: initial;
   <p><q>Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes.</q></p>

CSS quotes - auto Value

Sets the quotes property to the value auto that automatically determines the correct quotation marks based on the language - as demonstrated in the following example:

   q {
      quotes: auto;
   <div lang="fr">
      <q>Tutorialpoint est un site de cours d'anglais.</q>
   <hr />
   <div lang="ru">
      <q>Tutorialpoint — сайт курсов английского языка.</q>
   <hr />
   <div lang="de">
      <q>Tutorialpoint is een Engelse cursuswebsite</q>
   <hr />
   <div lang="en">
      <q>Tutorialpoint is an english course website.</q>

CSS quotes - Using :lang pseudo-class

You can also use the :lang pseudo-class to define different styles for quotation marks based on the language attribute (lang) within the elements.

  • The :lang(en) rule defines styles for elements with the English language attribute.

  • The :lang(fr) rule defines styles for elements with the French language attribute.

Let us see an example −

   :lang(en) {
     quotes: "#" "#" "<<" ">>";
   :lang(fr) {
     quotes: '\2039' '\203A';
   <p><q lang="en">Tutorialspoint CSS <q lang="en">Quotes</q>.</q></p>
   <p>Tutorialspoint CSS <q lang="fr">Quotes</q>.</p>