CSS - PX to EM Conversion

Units px (Pixel) and em (indicates size relative to the size of the font) are two of the measurement units of length. In order to convert px to em, you should use the following formula:

em = px / font-size

Note: Default font-size is 16px. So while converting the px to em, you need to select your base value (default is 16) for the pixel and use it in the formula to calculate.

CSS PX to EM Conversion Table

Following table shows the corresponding em values to px values, considering the base pixel value as 16px:

5px 0.3125em
6px 0.3750em
7px 0.4375em
8px 0.5000em
9px 0.5625em
10px 0.6250em
11px 0.6875em
12px 0.7500em
13px 0.8125em
14px 0.8750em
15px 0.9375em
16px 1.0000em
17px 1.0625em
18px 1.1250em
19px 1.1875em
20px 1.2500em

The table above shows just few sample values, you may convert any px value to em, using the formula.

Conversion Calculator

Refer the calculator to convert px to em and vice-versa.

PX to EM Converter

Result in em:

Result in px:
