- CSS Tutorial
- CSS - Home
- CSS - Introduction
- CSS - Syntax
- CSS - Selectors
- CSS - Inclusion
- CSS - Measurement Units
- CSS - Colors
- CSS - Backgrounds
- CSS - Fonts
- CSS - Text
- CSS - Images
- CSS - Links
- CSS - Tables
- CSS - Borders
- CSS - Border Block
- CSS - Border Inline
- CSS - Margins
- CSS - Lists
- CSS - Padding
- CSS - Cursor
- CSS - Outlines
- CSS - Dimension
- CSS - Scrollbars
- CSS - Inline Block
- CSS - Dropdowns
- CSS - Visibility
- CSS - Overflow
- CSS - Clearfix
- CSS - Float
- CSS - Arrows
- CSS - Resize
- CSS - Quotes
- CSS - Order
- CSS - Position
- CSS - Hyphens
- CSS - Hover
- CSS - Display
- CSS - Focus
- CSS - Zoom
- CSS - Translate
- CSS - Height
- CSS - Hyphenate Character
- CSS - Width
- CSS - Opacity
- CSS - Z-Index
- CSS - Bottom
- CSS - Navbar
- CSS - Overlay
- CSS - Forms
- CSS - Align
- CSS - Icons
- CSS - Image Gallery
- CSS - Comments
- CSS - Loaders
- CSS - Attr Selectors
- CSS - Combinators
- CSS - Root
- CSS - Box Model
- CSS - Counters
- CSS - Clip
- CSS - Writing Mode
- CSS - Unicode-bidi
- CSS - min-content
- CSS - All
- CSS - Inset
- CSS - Isolation
- CSS - Overscroll
- CSS - Justify Items
- CSS - Justify Self
- CSS - Tab Size
- CSS - Pointer Events
- CSS - Place Content
- CSS - Place Items
- CSS - Place Self
- CSS - Max Block Size
- CSS - Min Block Size
- CSS - Mix Blend Mode
- CSS - Max Inline Size
- CSS - Min Inline Size
- CSS - Offset
- CSS - Accent Color
- CSS - User Select
- CSS Advanced
- CSS - Grid
- CSS - Grid Layout
- CSS - Flexbox
- CSS - Visibility
- CSS - Positioning
- CSS - Layers
- CSS - Pseudo Classes
- CSS - Pseudo Elements
- CSS - @ Rules
- CSS - Text Effects
- CSS - Paged Media
- CSS - Printing
- CSS - Layouts
- CSS - Validations
- CSS - Image Sprites
- CSS - Important
- CSS - Data Types
- CSS3 Tutorial
- CSS3 - Tutorial
- CSS - Rounded Corner
- CSS - Border Images
- CSS - Multi Background
- CSS - Color
- CSS - Gradients
- CSS - Box Shadow
- CSS - Box Decoration Break
- CSS - Caret Color
- CSS - Text Shadow
- CSS - Text
- CSS - 2d transform
- CSS - 3d transform
- CSS - Transition
- CSS - Animation
- CSS - Multi columns
- CSS - Box Sizing
- CSS - Tooltips
- CSS - Buttons
- CSS - Pagination
- CSS - Variables
- CSS - Media Queries
- CSS - Functions
- CSS - Math Functions
- CSS - Masking
- CSS - Shapes
- CSS - Style Images
- CSS - Specificity
- CSS - Custom Properties
- CSS Responsive
- CSS RWD - Introduction
- CSS RWD - Viewport
- CSS RWD - Grid View
- CSS RWD - Media Queries
- CSS RWD - Images
- CSS RWD - Videos
- CSS RWD - Frameworks
- CSS References
- CSS - Questions and Answers
- CSS - Quick Guide
- CSS - References
- CSS - Color References
- CSS - Web browser References
- CSS - Web safe fonts
- CSS - Units
- CSS - Animation
- CSS Resources
- CSS - Useful Resources
- CSS - Discussion
CSS - Color References
The following table shows the 16 color names that were introduced in HTML 3.2, to support the 16 colors that 8-bit graphics cards offered. Same set of color can be used in CSS −
Color Name | Hex Value | Color | Show |
aqua | #00ffff | Demo | |
black | #000000 | Demo | |
blue | #0000ff | Demo | |
fuchsia | #ff00ff | Demo | |
green | #008000 | Demo | |
gray | #808080 | Demo | |
lime | #00ff00 | Demo | |
maroon | #800000 | Demo | |
navy | #000080 | Demo | |
olive | #808000 | Demo | |
purple | #800080 | Demo | |
red | #ff0000 | Demo | |
silver | #c0c0c0 | Demo | |
teal | #008080 | Demo | |
white | #ffffff | Demo | |
yellow | #ffff00 | Demo |
There are other colors, which are not part of HTML or XHTML but they are supported by most of the versions of IE or Netscape. These color names can be used in CSS as well.
Color Name | Hex Value | Color | Show |
aliceblue | #f0f8ff | Demo | |
antiquewhite | #faebd7 | Demo | |
aquamarine | #7fffd4 | Demo | |
azure | #f0ffff | Demo | |
beige | #f5f5dc | Demo | |
bisque | #ffe4c4 | Demo | |
blanchedalmond | #ffebcd | Demo | |
blueviolet | #8a2be2 | Demo | |
brown | #a52a2a | Demo | |
burlywood | #deb887 | Demo | |
cadetblue | #5f9ea0 | Demo | |
chartreuse | #7fff00 | Demo | |
chocolate | #d2691e | Demo | |
coral | #ff7f50 | Demo | |
cornflowerblue | #6495ed | Demo | |
cornsilk | #fff8dc | Demo | |
crimson | #dc143c | Demo | |
cyan | #00ffff | Demo | |
darkblue | #00008b | Demo | |
darkcyan | #008b8b | Demo | |
darkgoldenrod | #b8860b | Demo | |
darkgray | #a9a9a9 | Demo | |
darkgreen | #006400 | Demo | |
darkkhaki | #bdb76b | Demo | |
darkmagenta | #8b008b | Demo | |
darkolivegreen | #556b2f | Demo | |
darkorange | #ff8c00 | Demo | |
darkorchid | #9932cc | Demo | |
darkred | #8b0000 | Demo | |
darksalmon | #e9967a | Demo | |
darkseagreen | #8fbc8f | Demo | |
darkslateblue | #483d8b | Demo | |
darkslategray | #2f4f4f | Demo | |
darkturquoise | #00ced1 | Demo | |
darkviolet | #9400d3 | Demo | |
deeppink | #ff1493 | Demo | |
deepskyblue | #00bfff | Demo | |
dimgray | #696969 | Demo | |
dodgerblue | #1e90ff | Demo | |
firebrick | #b22222 | Demo | |
floralwhite | #fffaf0 | Demo | |
forestgreen | #228b22 | Demo | |
gainsboro | #dcdcdc | Demo | |
ghostwhite | #f8f8ff | Demo | |
gold | #ffd700 | Demo | |
goldenrod | #daa520 | Demo | |
gray | #808080 | Demo | |
greenyellow | #adff2f | Demo | |
honeydew | #f0fff0 | Demo | |
hotpink | #ff69b4 | Demo | |
indianred | #cd5c5c | Demo | |
indigo | #4b0082 | Demo | |
ivory | #fffff0 | Demo | |
khaki | #f0e68c | Demo | |
lavender | #e6e6fa | Demo | |
lavenderblush | #fff0f5 | Demo | |
lawngreen | #7cfc00 | Demo | |
lemonchiffon | #fffacd | Demo | |
lightblue | #add8e6 | Demo | |
lightcoral | #f08080 | Demo | |
lightcyan | #e0ffff | Demo | |
lightgoldenrodyellow | #fafad2 | Demo | |
lightgreen | #90ee90 | Demo | |
lightgrey | #d3d3d3 | Demo | |
lightpink | #ffb6c1 | Demo | |
lightsalmon | #ffa07a | Demo | |
lightseagreen | #20b2aa | Demo | |
lightskyblue | #87cefa | Demo | |
lightslategray | #778899 | Demo | |
lightsteelblue | #b0c4de | Demo | |
lightyellow | #ffffe0 | Demo | |
limegreen | #32cd32 | Demo | |
linen | #faf0e6 | Demo | |
magenta | #ff00ff | Demo | |
mediumblue | #0000cd | Demo | |
mediumorchid | #ba55d3 | Demo | |
mediumpurple | #9370db | Demo | |
midnightblue | #191970 | Demo | |
mistyrose | #ffe4e1 | Demo | |
moccasin | #ffe4b5 | Demo | |
oldlace | #fdf5e6 | Demo | |
orange | #ffa500 | Demo | |
orchid | #da70d6 | Demo | |
peachpuff | #ffdab9 | Demo | |
peru | #cd853f | Demo | |
pink | #ffc0cb | Demo | |
plum | #dda0dd | Demo | |
purple | #800080 | Demo | |
rosybrown | #bc8f8f | Demo | |
royalblue | #4169e1 | Demo | |
salmon | #fa8072 | Demo | |
sandybrown | #f4a460 | Demo | |
seagreen | #2e8b57 | Demo | |
sienna | #a0522d | Demo | |
skyblue | #87ceeb | Demo | |
slateblue | #6a5acd | Demo | |
steelblue | #4682b4 | Demo | |
tan | #d2b48c | Demo | |
thistle | #d8bfd8 | Demo | |
tomato | #ff6347 | Demo | |
violet | #ee82ee | Demo | |
wheat | #f5deb3 | Demo | |
whitesmoke | #f5f5f5 | Demo | |
yellow | #ffff00 | Demo | |
yellowgreen | #9acd32 | Demo |